I'm Adrienne Bishop, a parenting coach for highly sensitive families.
You might have discovered that your child isn't responding well to traditional parenting - rewards, threats, punishment, shaming - and is communicating this by fighting you, having meltdowns, being overly anxious, and not cooperating. If so, you may have a sensitive/strong-willed/spirited child. But when you have tools that connect you to your sensitive child and honor their needs, the fights stop, the meltdowns end and everything changes.
Nothing was working…
When my then 3-year-old daughter accidentally toppled a bookshelf during a timeout in her room (luckily, she was okay), I realized I needed to rethink my approach to parenting. Nothing was working to get her to cooperate! But I was clueless about where to begin or what to do. I felt powerless to stop fighting with my daughter, all while trying to manage feeling overwhelmed and anxious all the time.
Then a few years later, I discovered that me and all 3 of my children were “highly sensitive”and everything started to make sense. In parenting my kids with traditional parenting – timeouts, rewards, etc. – I was ignoring connection with them, I was ignoring their need for control, I was ignoring their natural temperaments, and ended up fighting an uphill battle as a result.
Soon I found the parenting philosphy “positive discipline” which encourages intrinsic motivation, emotional intellingence and connection above all else. I began to understand how being highly sensitive was affecting me emotionally and my children and as I worked to shift my mindset to meet them in the middle and honor with their unique temperaments, our relationships improved. The latest tool I started to use was learning when I was being “triggered” by my kids – which means when you unconsiously respond from childhood programming and as a result, I was finally able to stop those reactions that I felt really couldn’t control, and I finally felt better.
So now, using the tools that have worked wonders for me—and helped many clients in the years of I have been a coach—I help you to become the calm, confident, and connected parent your sensitive children need to be cooperate, feel trust, safety, and confidence. Through hypnosis techniques based in the latest neuroscience research, I help you to be more in control of your reactions while teaching you effective parenting strategies that encouarge emotional intelligence.
If this sounds like where you are in your parenting journey, I would love to support you in helping you learn to naviagate parenting your sensitive child. Let’s get started.
FREE GUIDE: 5 Ways to Stay Calm When Your Kids Are Driving You Crazy
Are you tired of TRYING to be patient, but then you just can't stay calm any longer and you lose it on your kids? In this guide I will teach you to easily stay calm using simple techniques that anyone can do, without counting to 10, leaving the room or taking a pause. Don't wait another day to feel in control and calmer!

FREE TRAINING: Parenting Your Highly Sensitive Child
Are you or your child is highly senstive? Get my FREE training and discover what it means to be highly sensitive, the common pitfalls when parenting an HSC, what to do to help your child manage their emotions and what it looks like to be a highly sensitive parent.
About Adrienne
Parenting isn’t for the sensitive soul…or is it?? Hello! I’m so glad you are here. My name is Adrienne Bishop, and I am a Certified Positive Discipline Educator, an Integrative …
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